July 15, 2008

Turn your XP PC into Vista

Many of us still think Vista is too Expensive and of course it is.
Another bad thing about Vista is the compatibility. So, why don’t
just turn our Windows XP into Vista.I had installed Vista ultimate on
my PC a Couple of months ago. I worked fine but I really hated it
I was not able to install my Sound card on it.
I was not able to Install Nero on it.Everything else was a charm, especially the Windows Aero and 3D flip ( Vista
is all about these two things). Everything else was like XP, and XP is
also much faster than Vista. So I got rid of Windows Vista. But I
really missed the Aero effect.After a month I figured how to turn my
Windows XP in Windows Vista. It looked so much similar to Vista that my
brother got confused so did everybody else who saw it. Here are the
screenshots of my Windows XP PC which look like Vista.

Here is how you can also turn XP in Vista:First you need to
patch Uxtheme.dll, because the themes won’t work if you have not
patched it. Download this patcher
which will do it for you and the Restart your PC.Next thing you need to
do is to find a good theme. The one I used in the above screenshots can
be downloaded from here. You can find Vista themes here.
When you have downloaded the Desired theme, Unzip it and copy it to
C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes.Get a nice Vista wallpaper over here or you can also search for them in google.Now download the vista sounds
and Unzip/Copy the to C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA folder. Goto Windows Control
panel >> Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices >> Sounds and
change the sound for respective events. For the Vista like "Taskbar
Screenshot Utility" (I can’t find any other good word for it)
download Vista Task Tips
and install it. You can resize the screenshot by scrolling the mouse
wheel. Now when you hover a open window in Taskbar, it shows you a
screenshot of it. For the Aero Effect I use this. And for 3D flip I use Winplosion.For Sidebar I use Google sidebar bundled with Google desktop.
There are many others and better sidebars for XP than Google sidebar
but I like Google’s because it adds functionality to your
desktop, and because I use many other services of Google which are
integrated with Google Desktop. Other can be downloaded here, here and hereFor the start menu I used VistaStart and downloaded some Vista Screensavers from here. I downloaded the Vista cursors and Vista icons.To make my OS look more like Vista I used the Vista theme for my aVast antivirus software and which can be downloaded here. I also downloaded the Vista theme for Firefox. I changed the color scheme of Office 2007 to black which gives it a Vistaish feel. I also downloaded the Vista Explorer to make my PC more like Vista If you know some any other tweaks, let them come in comments.

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